Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Firefly Tale

My favorite get away is an old barn occupied by many cats and an occasional owl.  It is located  near a grove of maple sugar trees on the land that my ancestors have farmed on for hundreds of years.
If you travel South for about a mile from my home you will find a well traveled dirt road that leads to my most treasured barn.

In one corner of the barn stands an old wood table and some metal chairs.
A big cabinet holds blankets and the needed items for me when I overnight.
I fit nicely on big over sized couch.

 The firefly tale.

One early Friday evening after supper I headed for the barn to visit my cats.   As I was walking I looked at the dry dirt road and decided I would  remember the evening walk.  As my feet touched the brown powder like dirt they would slightly stir the dust upwards and onto my brown leather shoes with each step I took.  The thick tall weeds growing on the side of the road held the crickets melody and the night birds discussion.  I slowly inhaled the moments as I captured the horizon's blazing sunset sky and the crescent moon on the rise.
I carried with me a sack that held a frosty cold bottle of soda,  homemade oatmeal raisin and chocolate chip cookies and a new bag of cat food.  The sweet smell of the cookies seeping from the bag soon made me anxious to arrive at the barn.
I poured out a new bag of food to my awaiting clowder and lit several oil lanterns.
I kept thinking about my beautiful walk.
I raised my eyes to the cross hanging on the wall and said a prayer for the world.
 That is when  a group of  firefly's came through a window and flew in a circle around my head and then gently landed on my hair.  I got up and looked in the oval mirror hanging on the east wall and could see the shining crown upon my head.   My eyes gazed upon the soft light surrounding me and then one by one each firefly departed out the window catching a breeze that took them into the nearby grove of trees.

There was a great peace that filled me and I became aware of the dust left in my hair from their visit.
Green and Gold shimmering flecks of color.
I lay down on the couch and covered myself with Grandma's quilt.
YAWN......The magic dust would lead me to a firefly dream.

Firefly, Firefly
If I could BE
I'd be a firefly.
On a summer's night
flying in the fields of life.
Oh firefly
so bright,
you can fly
and shine a light so bright
it illuminates in the night
for all the world to see
and my eyes especially
Oh I would be a firefly
just flying in the night
just shining oh so bright.
I would want to be a firefly in the night.
And if I could not be a firefly,
I'd ask the firefly
to fly by me tonight
and take me to it's wings,
we'd fly to the moon
and sit there
and glow like firefly's.
you illuminate the night.
The fields we're waiting for
they're only waiting for
the firefly's to wander once more.
Firefly and me
we live so peacefully
in the fields
firefly and me.
fly by me.

The Cat's Meow

O Meow,
OHHHH  Meow,
Sing OHHHH Meow My darling.
Come dance across the fence top.
Sit with me and howl.

O Meow,
Sing OHHH Meow My Kitty.
Come play with me in the night.
Lay with me in the tall cool grass
the Kitty Cat's romance.

Day and Night,
 O Meow we sing.

by Monica Peters Hardy

I love cat's .
Silly is as silly does.
I have two house cat's and one wild stray cat that I feed.
When the Cat's meow I want to meow as well.

Monday, February 28, 2011

February 27, 2011 West Texas Fires

When I was an American Red Cross Volunteer I was needed to assist with distribution of food to fire fighting crews.

My pictures are a bit blurred but should show you some at the scene activity.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


They would meet in heaven one day,
Two angels,
a kiss goodbye on earth.
The trumpets sound,
Harps echo in the mist,
A golden light turning to shade
the lost angel alone.
I'm lonely here in heaven she cries.
My love on earth still keeps a vigil by my graveside.
I'm gone one week and see him weep.
Still troubled by their last goodbye;
it was on the path
a crossing bridge to walk,
she fell into the water.
Her drowning body white and cold
his touch so warm and gold.
Gold sunlight her next journey
past the milky way.
And still the bridge for crossing rumors sadness,
a remembrance of the moment
of a jump it did see.
The trees and birds gasped in fear
but words they could not form.
The sign do not enter
gently set aside.
He enters through the darkness
a firefly in the night;
his only guiding light
held loosely in his fingers,
released to fly,
in circled motion goes
into the dark tree branches.
The evening ghost appears
in the sky,
those clouds that drift across the moon
in ghostly form they take
haunting him
and guilt of an accident.
Her white cold body lay amongst
the marshes edge.
She drifted though
to heaven and knocking at the
was led into the waiting room
for lost souls lost in heaven.
The marsh it covered her
with moss and earthly debris.
She was not missed
for many months.
Her seclusion was all her own.
The world had stopped revolving
until the marshes called her home.
She lay to rot and feed the earth
in the area where she lay
and the guilt he felt
in his own timely death
was only to his soul.
I did not mean to harm you
I did not mean to hurt
But I met you in my darkest
and felt a need to feed the earth;
and so as she desired
he put her to her rest.
The waiting room is waiting
he knows this all too well
and he knows she is an angel lost
for soul to be taken.
Into your waiting room you'll wait
he says;
your waiting room in heaven.
And she saw the weeping
and she knew to weep was weak.
So she cried no more.
She went to the door to heaven;
knocking,  knocking;
no answer.
Alone in the waiting room she returns;
and  God entered into the
Away I shall take you
to a place you'll forget
any hurt pain or sorrow
she brought upon herself.
Knock went the tree as the lightning
crashed down;
the thunder
and the rain.
The do not enter sign
placed once again at the entrance to the
He's moving faster now
down the road;
drenched clothes
and frightened.
She all alone in the marsh her body lay
and her soul in the waiting room this
Moving faster as he approaches
the dead end
His vehicle in waiting
his soul now haunted
for he knows
that she is waiting.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

I was up very late last night watching the moon.   The few cars that drove by did not disturb my thinking and I welcomed the neighborhood dogs barking in the distance.
I sat upon my thinking rock, my big rock candy mountain rock, the kind of rock that was placed in my yard so I could just sit and think
 until I was tired of thinking.

The trains mighty horn sounds through the middle of my town.  I can hear the cars move along the track.

The full moon, the dogs barking and the train sounds while I sit on my big rock candy mountain rock conjures up the deep emotions that inside me stir.

When I am at my death bed and ask myself these questions, "Will all my searching for life's answers be all in vain?"
"Did I come to conclusions about life that were correct?"

I'm twenty years old and I admired his work from a distance.  We had never spoken to each other and hearing of his passing made my heart sink.

Time has gone by and I am now walking towards the train tracks and the train has stopped on the track and I see an open door on one of the rail cars and I climb in and the train starts to move and I just sit with my legs hanging out from this train car and watch the scenery go by.   I laugh and feel totally free of worry at this moment.

I'll make my way back to my rock but right now I will just enjoy this ride.