Saturday, January 22, 2011

I was up very late last night watching the moon.   The few cars that drove by did not disturb my thinking and I welcomed the neighborhood dogs barking in the distance.
I sat upon my thinking rock, my big rock candy mountain rock, the kind of rock that was placed in my yard so I could just sit and think
 until I was tired of thinking.

The trains mighty horn sounds through the middle of my town.  I can hear the cars move along the track.

The full moon, the dogs barking and the train sounds while I sit on my big rock candy mountain rock conjures up the deep emotions that inside me stir.

When I am at my death bed and ask myself these questions, "Will all my searching for life's answers be all in vain?"
"Did I come to conclusions about life that were correct?"

I'm twenty years old and I admired his work from a distance.  We had never spoken to each other and hearing of his passing made my heart sink.

Time has gone by and I am now walking towards the train tracks and the train has stopped on the track and I see an open door on one of the rail cars and I climb in and the train starts to move and I just sit with my legs hanging out from this train car and watch the scenery go by.   I laugh and feel totally free of worry at this moment.

I'll make my way back to my rock but right now I will just enjoy this ride.